Citi bank offers numerous Credit Cards with different perks and features, but all of them share a few, core services upon approval of a customer's application; Balance Transfers, Online Account registration and Virtaul Card access (for immediate online shopping) are all available to you before your new card even arrives in the mail.
However, it was discovered that there is a 25% dropoff rate from the Application's 'approved' page to the following pages where customers could access those Credit Card features.
Tasked as Design Lead for this project, I collaborated with stakeholders on project scope and timeline, and worked with our research and strategy team to develop a user-testing gameplan to gather more insights on what was causing this dropoff on the Credit Card application process.
After testing the exisiting Credit Card App flow, user feedback indicated the applications' 'Approval' page was poorly designed in terms of indicating any next steps or additional features. Using this feedback, my associate designers and I collaborated on improving this section of the application, using whiteboard sessions, design reviews and prototyping. After some viable options were agreed upon, we pushed forward with additional testing, gathering great insights about other aspects of the application pages as well. This process ultimately led to a visually refreshed, streamlined update to the Credit Card application experience.
The latest testing has shown positive user feedback for the new designs' ease-of-use and its communication of card features. The card features themselves have been streamlined for easier task completion, with a lot of focus on simplifying the Balance Transfer process. Look for this new Card Application experience later this year, as we are set to ship in July 2020.